Tuesday, February 13, 2007


In Palestine, gunmen belonging to Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party have executed a Palestinian man who allegedly foiled a suicide attack inside Israel.

In Lebanon, three people have been killed and about 20 wounded in two bomb blasts near the Christian mountain town of Bikfaya, north of Beirut.

In Irak, the toll from the combined force of three car bombs in Baghdad stands at more than 80 dead and almost 200 wounded.

In Algeria, seven bombs exploded east of Algiers killing six people in apparently coordinated attacks by suspected Islamic militants.

These are four stories from a world filled with violence but one of them is certain to be ignored by the Western media tomorrow.

I’ll let you guess which one makes the blank pages!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:00 am

    After so much discussion in the media recently about the need for "open debate" about the issues between Israel and the Palestinians and about Zionism itself, why is it that the very same media outlets are so silent when it comes to publishing stories of crimes committed by people directly involved with the Palestinian leadership - be they Hamas or Fatah?
