Friday, February 16, 2007


While Israelis are violently condemned by Muslims for carrying out digging works 100 metres away from the Al Aksa Mosque and pilloried in some parts of the media for doing so even thouh they are causing no damage at all, the Islamic authorities responsible for the area of Solomon's Stables and the Golden Gate along the eastern wall of the Temple Mount have permitted destructive activities of Jewish antiquities to take place on the site.

But there hasn't been a word of condemnation from anybody in the Muslim world about the digging that's been going on right under the Temple Mount for several years now.

So, in view of the fact that Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has agreed to let a Turkish team inspect the Israeli construction site near the Temple Mount compound, might it not be an opportune time for the Wafq to permit them to inspect what's been happening inside the site and under their watch?


  1. PS: I have no idea as to whether the use of the word "Imams" in the title is entirely appropriate but I just couldn't resist!

  2. Anonymous12:24 pm

