Terry Lane, the accident-prone Sunday Age columnist, America-hater and Israel-basher is back from leave today
writing about an apology.
The apology is the one properly given by Canadian PM Stephen Harper to Maher Arar, a Canadian citizen wrongly suspected of terrorism and taken by the Americans to the Palestine Branch Prison in Damascus where he was imprisoned and tortured for 10 months. In his column, Lane whines about our Prime Minister declaring "that ours is the greatest nation on earth" and ends with the question why does the US use the "the torture services of one corner of the 'axis of evil' to do its dirty work?"
A good question and very much standard line and length for Lane although he might have disappointed some of his readership by failing to take a swipe at Israel on this occasion.
He might also have asked another obvious question – why did the Syrians name one of their gaols "the Palestine Branch" – but that's another story.
The thing that was noticeably missing from today's effort however, was an apology from Lane for once again misleading his readers in the last of his pieces before taking his break.
You see, Lane was
caught short committing another gaffe when he took newly elected ALP leader Kevin Rudd to task for having the temerity to continue to support the Australia-US alliance. He has had three weeks in which to compose an apology for the error and one wondered whether he might ask his readers for their forgiveness for such lack of professionalism. One can wonder all day about whether pigs can fly too!
Lane's most famous blunder came last year when he was taken in by a fake video recorded by fictitious US soldier Jesse Macbeth who had allegedly claimed to have been an American soldier in Iraq. Lane offered his resignation and followed that up with a rather self-serving and weak-kneed piece by way of explanation or more correctly justification [
Of course, that part of the headline referring to "no excuses" was a bit of a sham but, in any event, the Sunday Age (predictably) didn't accept the resignation and Lane lived to push his various agendas another day. The result is that Lane can continue to embarrass his newspaper with further lame-brained efforts.
But Lane's latest gaffe pales when it comes to the ignorance he displays about his favourite whipping boy – Israel. He never misses an opportunity to stick the boots into Israel and l won’t bore you with his complete record.
When the Israelis defended themselves against the murder and kidnapping of its soldiers to the accompaniment of lethal cross border missile attacks from Hizbullah last July, Lane knew who to blame for what happened next.
According to Lane, the Israelis should have behaved as Australia did during the Bali bombing attacks – i.e. they should have copped it on the chin. Never mind that the Bali bombings were terrorist actions committed exclusively on Indonesian soil and the home country immediatley stepped in to detect and prosecute the perpetrators. In Lane's eyes, the two situations were sort of similar and that was enough for him. Even with deadly missiles raining down on its citizens, the Jews weren't allowed to defend themselves.
During the course of his pre-leave article, Lane couldn't help taking a dig at the Americans for "[U]ncritically backing Israel in its colonial expansion and thereby exacerbating the single greatest cause of anti-Western hostility in the Middle East?"
What Israeli colonial expansion?
Does that mean Israel's settlement policy in Gaza and the West Bank where the so-called "expansion" has become a contraction following its 2005 evacuation of all 21 Jewish settlements in Gaza (leaving it 'Judenrein' as required by the Palestinians) and four others in the West Bank?
Has Lane not caught up with the fact that the Israeli people elected their current government less than a year ago on a platform of disengaging from the West Bank either by agreement with the Palestinians and failing that, unilaterally?
That's some "colonial expansion" policy, isn't it?
But really, if Lane wants to read about colonial expansion (and "fascism" and "apartheid" and indeed all of the standard undergraduate catchcries he's become accustomed to over the years) then I would refer him to the Articles of the Hamas Charter and to the constitutions of the other Palestinian armed groups.
Getting back to Lane's claim that the US "unconditionally backed" Israel's so-called "colonial expansion" in the disputed territories, can someone answer this question: did Lane research this matter in the same way that he looked into the accuracy of the Jesse Macbeth story or the claim that "rangers at the world-famous Grand Canyon were banned from answering questions about the age of the park ‘because the truth will upset Bush's fundamentalist supporters'." ?
Possibly not because the truth about the US and Israel's settlement policies is that every adminstration starting with that of LBJ, through to those of Carter (soon to become Lane's favourite author I suspect), Reagan, Clinton and both Bushes have indeed been critical of those policies. [
read here]
Lane once admitted to being guilty of the "unforgivable sin … of failing to check the facts".
You can judge for yourself and decide if he's done it again but my bet is that this time there will be no apology.