Sunday, November 12, 2006


While surfing around this morning I came across Bagel Blogger who, while surfing around a few days ago, came across a site masquerading under the name PEACE IN THE DESERT.

I'll leave it to Bagel Blogger to tell the story of what happened when he looked a little closer and read what Desert Peace has to say about "peace" in POLITICAL OPPORTUNISM: APPEARANCES AND DECEPTIONS.

Suffice to say, the word "peace" is being well and truly mauled by Desert Peace who claims to be located in Jerusalem, Israel and an " Peace/Civil Rights Worker.. Aiming to establish a just and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, while at the same time continue the struggle against racism and for peace throughout the world."


  1. Anonymous4:46 pm

    Christopher Hitchens has these phoney peaceniks down to a tee:-

    "To be against war and militarism, in the tradition of Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, is one thing. But to have a record of consistent support for war and militarism, from the Red Army in Eastern Europe to the Serbian ethnic cleansers and the Taliban, is quite another. It is really a disgrace that the liberal press refers to such enemies of liberalism as 'antiwar' when in reality they are straight-out pro-war, but on the other side." phoney peaceniks

  2. Anonymous4:50 pm

    This is the sort of peace some ofese phoney peaceniks have in mind for Israelis:-

    May 2, 2004

    Mother, 4 daughters, killed in Gaza shooting attack


    A pregnant mother and her four daughters were shot dead Sunday after two terrorists opened fire at Israeli cars traveling near the Kissufim Crossing at the entrance to the Gush Katif settlement bloc in the Gaza Strip.

    The dead were identified as Tali Hatuel, 34, eight months pregnant and her daughters Hila, 11, Hadar, 9, Roni, 7, Merav, 2 all from the settlement of Katif. Details of the funerals have yet to be finalized

    Two soldiers and an Israeli civilian were also wounded in the attack and were evacuated to Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheba.

    The IDF said that both of the gunmen, who arrived at the area by car, were killed in an ensuing firefight.

    The militant Islamic Jihad and Popular Resistance Committees, an umbrella group, claimed responsibility for the "heroic" attack in a call to The Associated Press.

    Police said the white Citroen station wagon, carrying the family, spun off the road after the initial shooting, then the attackers approached the vehicle and shot the occupants at close range.

    The car was riddled with bullets, and the carpet inside was stained with blood. Israel Radio reported the mother had been on her way to protest against Sharon’s Gaza withdrawal plan. On the car was a bumper sticker saying, "Uprooting the settlements, victory for terror."

    The terrorists arrived by car from the nearby Palestinian village of Dir al Ballah and began to fire at passing Israeli vehicles, consequently killing the mother and her four children. Another Israeli traveling in the opposite direction, was also wounded.

    An IDF jeep arrived at the scene and engaged in gunfire with the gunmen, killing them. During the gun battle an explosion took place but it was still unclear whether it was caused by a grenade or by a bomb.

    OC Southern Command Maj. Gen. Dan Harel told reporters that the shooting was the first attack in which civilians who use the Kissufim Road were hurt in the past 18 months and noted that just days ago several hundred meters away a terrorist driving in a car rigged with 300 kilograms of explosives blew up near IDF soldiers wounding three.

    "We’ll have to do more to give an answer to the terror attacks," he said.

    Speaking to reporters at the Kissufim crossing, Harel said soldiers manning positions on the side of the road shot the terrorists hitting one on the south side of the road and the second on the north side. The company commander with extra forces reached the site and shot and killed them. "We will investigate the incident and draw the necessary conclusions and I hope that it will be the last time Israeli civilians and soldiers are harmed," he said.

    The terror groups said the attack was in response to Israel’s recent assassinations of the founder of the Hamas, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, and his successor, Abdel Aziz Rantisi.

    "The attack is part of the Palestinian reprisals for the daily crimes committed by the Israeli army against the Palestinian people, especially the killings of Yassin and Rantisi," the group said.

    Two soldiers were wounded during the gun battle and were airlifted to Soroka hospital in Be’er Sheva together with the Israeli civilian.

    A CNN crew which was driving in two vehicles before the car carrying the mother and her four children was hit by the first round of bullets and stopped on the road trying to prevent other cars from proceeding into the gunmen’s line of fire.

  3. Anonymous1:35 am

    Check out

    I've known him for 14 years. He doesn't post or respond to my comments so I put up this blog. In about 5 months when this blog gets listed and people search for desertpeace, they will also come across realdesertpeace.
