Friday, February 23, 2007


Hamda Abu-Ghanem from Ramle was murdered by her brother in a typical "honour killing," meant to remove some perceived stain on the family's reputation.

Hamda was the eighth Abu-Ghanem woman in the extended family to be murdered in "honour killings" in the last six and a half years. The murderers are rarely convicted because of the shame involved within the family but the women of this family are speaking up about these outrages [read here].

The abominable practice of "honour killing" is widespread throught the Middle East but we rarely hear the voices of the group targetted by such conduct and the subject matter is taboo in much of the media in the Arab world.

It's time for the protests of these brave women to be heard not only in Israel but throughout the world!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:46 am

    No chance.

    It's boring and the Jews don't practice honour killing.
