Sunday, January 28, 2007


Over the past six or so years since the Palestinians launched the so-called "second intifada" there have been numerous claims from the Israeli side that terrorists were using mosques, hospitals and even schools as bases for attacks on Israelis.

The media is usually sceptical of such claims so it's interesting to note the words of Associated Press Reporter Ibrahim Barzak in Hamas-Fatah violence continues; 20 dead:-

"Before dawn Saturday, Hamas gunmen fired mortars at the Abbas-allied Preventive Security Service headquarters and at the home of the force's chief, Rashid Abu Shbak, officials said.

In fighting around the compound on Friday, six Hamas gunmen were killed and a seventh died Saturday of wounds sustained in that battle, said Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha.

He accused Fatah loyalists of storming a mosque near the security headquarters and executing a senior Hamas activist inside while he was reading the Quran, the Muslim holy book. On Saturday, blood stains were still visible on the mosque's carpet and the bathroom tiles.

Fatah denied it had stormed the mosque, but said Hamas gunmen had used the mosque as a base for attacking the security headquarters."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:20 am

    And on the fourth day Ed O'Loughlin wrote about it and it was good anti-Israel propaganda.

    After describing the events he blamed who?

    "Ordinary life in the West Bank and Gaza had been devastated by Israeli bombardment and invasions and by a boycott on Palestinians by Israel and the West because of the new Hamas cabinet's refusal to renounce armed struggle or recognise the legitimacy of Israel."

    Reality - ordinary life in the West Bank and Gaza has been devastated because successive Palestinian leaderships have not worked towards ending the occupation by living up to past agreements to disarm the terrorist groups. Rocket and terrorist attacks on Israel continue and Hamas still preaches genocide against Jews.
